Continuing education courses for healthcare professionals
Stay current in your practice with e-IMPAQc’s online training for nurses, physicians and other healthcare professionals. Courses are accredited by various organizations. Please check with your association to ensure the courses can be used toward continuing education credits.
What are CECs?
Continuing education credits (CECs) are training courses that help fulfill the knowledge required to maintain a standard of professional competence. Many professional associations require members to complete a number of CECs each year.
How do I obtain my certificate?
The procedure for claiming your credits varies by course. Please follow the instructions accompanying each training course.
Be sure to confirm that you have completed each training by filling out accompanying form.
If you have any questions or comments, please email us at
Training courses
Training provided by e-IMPAQc
Patient-reported outcomes
Routine and Systematic Collection of Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs)
This training explores the routine and systematic collection of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and presents e-IMPAQc, a provincial PRO Screening project whose purpose is to increase the spread and scale of symptom screening throughout Quebec.
Training provided by other organizations
Prendre soin des survivants
Santé psychosociale et bien-être (Unité 8)
Cette formation est présentée en collaboration avec l’Association canadienne des infirmières en oncologie (ACIO) et fait partir de leur manuel La survivance au cancer chez les adultes: Module d’autoformation pour les infirmères – 2020.
Prendre soin des survivants
Le pourquoi du comment de l’implantation de PROMs
Cette présentation a été offerte dans le cadre du Séminaire de l’AQIO le 29 avril 2022 et présent une stratégie pour améliorer la qualité des soins en oncologie au Québec.